add_filter( 'jetpack_tools_to_include', function( $tools ) { $index = array_search( 'calypsoify/class.jetpack-calypsoify.php', $tools ); if ( $index ) { unset( $tools[$index] ); } return $tools; } );

While searching for a good dog trainer I encountered more so-called experts than sand on a beach. Each of them swears by their method and I saw more debates on training, collars, and harnesses than I can count.

I noticed that nobody is held accountable for their training and advice. Some claim if you do this now that behavior will stop immediately. Others tell you to use their collar and the pulling will stop pronto.

Well, in my experience it is often not that simple. What works for one dog may not work for the other. There is no size fits all. Even if a specific training works for 129 dogs it might not work for 130.

Don’t get me wrong. Many of these trainers have good intentions and think they are experts. In reality, they don’t know much about the psyche of a dog, instincts, and drives.

Can you hear my frustration about the whole confusing dog trainer world? I have been there and invested in courses that did nothing for my dog in the long run.

So, how can we dog owners find a good trainer for our baby?

Ask for references and recommendations and talk with these people if you can. Listen and decide afterward what makes sense to you.

Dogs are not robots; not everything works for all.

If a trainer tells you his way or the highway ... well, stay away.

Oh, I can fix that ... I don't know how many times I heard that one. And in the end, it was not fixed. Go into detail, ask questions ... before you decide.

Listen to your gut and use common sense. You spend good money and your dog deserves the best.

If you want to get your feed wet and learn about dogs in every way ... check out the Dunbars. They ARE experts (yep, I said it, lol) but don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself ..

Christina - For the Love Of A Dog

About the Author

I Am Your Host Christina Glazar ()


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